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Nicole danielle bell
​In this beautifully written but tragic memoir, Nicole Bell documents their journey through the medical minefield as they searched for answers and treatments. This book will inspire people who are suffering from chronic, symptom-based illnesses to dig deeper, so they can find and treat the root causes of their disease before it's too late.

Jane Dwinell & Sky Yardley
Welcome to Alzheimer's Canyon: there is one way in, and no way out. Follow Sky and Jane as they navigate this journey they did not ask to take, a journey that balances pain, loss, and confusion with gratitude, wonder, and transformation
Brett Miller
This is the story of how one young boy driven by honor and duty for the sake of humanity saves many lives and consequently is forced to save his own life. From the ups and downs of suicide, alcoholism, and depression comes the transformation of passion into purpose, saving one life at a time with an ending that takes the author on a full carousel ride, validating his universal destiny.

Rasheda ali walsh
Inspired by her father's interaction with her children, Rasheda Ali wrote this book to address commonly asked questions from children who may not understand why their loved ones with Parkinson's disease behave in certain ways. Written for adults to read to children, the book encourages dialogue through the use of colorful illustrations and interactive questions.

riva scher
“Finally Dancing - A Bittersweet Odyssey” is the story of one family’s struggles as they attempt to raise a disabled child. The family’s difficult situation is compounded by the rigors of facing a society with a broken medical system, an insurance industry set up to defeat those with the most need, and an unprepared and unwelcoming educational system.

bob bennet
A boy's military father eventually abandons the family, leaving the author as a child to grow up supporting his family with a dizzying array of jobs while putting himself through school, in the process becoming perhaps one of the most important experts on rabbits in the world. Bennett also serves in the military and sees action during the Korean War.

To purchase a copy of Alan Rubel's book, Glovers, contact him directly at 802-839-0356
Alan E. Rubel
From Barre’s "Young Firpo" and St. Albans’ Ollie Dunlap to this weekend’s Golden Gloves championships, boxing has had a long and colorful history in Vermont. Former boxer Alan Rubel has co-written the book, Gloves: The Stories of Vermont‘s Greatest Boxers, Trainers and Personalities.

mark j. resnick
"Ten Days With Dad emerges as a highly recommended read, not only for those acquainted with the experiences of Alzheimer's patients but also for individuals seeking fresh insights into the intricacies of familial dynamics. This emotionally charged book inspires readers to cherish the gift of life, invigorating them to pursue their aspirations regardless of age and instilling within them the resilience to transcend any circumstances that may hinder their personal growth."
-The Literary Titan
Thank you, RECO Intensive, our lead book sponsor
Unlike traditionally published authors, we don't have marketing, PR, or sales budgets. Or staff. Or Resources. That's why book sponsors are so important and why we are eternally grateful to nearly fifty individuals, couples, businesses, and organizations whose financial support will help us get The Greatest Burden The Greatest Blessing into the hands of thousands of readers.
-Mark, Alan, & Michael